Thursday, June 7, 2012

Alexandra... My girl. She is stubborn and needs lots of attention. When I give her the attention she needs and deserves she is the biggest sweetheart and has so much love to give. I find myself constantly telling her how beautiful she is. Her eyes, her smile, her wise spirit. Everything that is Alex comes together like a symphony and when I look at her at night when she is sleeping I see her beauty once again and my heart skips a beat. Right now she is really into her animals. She takes at least 5 animals with her everywhere. She loves her pets, and she is a very good mama to them. I had to give her a limit on how man animals she could bring in the car. We are down to 3. For a while she couldn't even fit in her bed because she had so many animals in it. She also loves her blanket that she has had from when she was a baby. That thing gets so dirty. Alex loves to sing and the other day we had Alison Kraus on in the car and she started singing along. It was the sweetest thing I had ever heard... my two favorite voices coming together. Alexandra, I love you.


Papa John said...

Alex believes everything I tell her.
She was out playing in the family's "new" van. I don't know where she had been, except Shane and Alex had a nice graduation ceremony yesterday from Kindergarten at Shining Stars.
But, I noticed some dirt all around her lower face. I asked her if it was chocolate cake? And she started licking her face to find out? Special little girl...

Kimberly3 said...
