Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What we left behind...

So we sold our home. On my final day of cleaning, I sobbed while I mopped the floor for the last time. When I was finished with the floor and walked through my home for the last time, I realized it was no longer my home. It looked like an empty house. I looked out that magical window for the last time and said a prayer that we were doing the right thing. I feel at peace now. I know it was the right thing to do.


Papa John said...

If I gave that home a name, I would call it "The Gathering Place", because we all enjoyed so many great moments in their home...having lived in it for two years, it was difficult for me to leave as well, and we didn't even own it...merely renters.
I shall always remember it as the finest home Kathryn and I have ever lived in...

Rachael Charles said...

Don't even get me started. Wes and I had our WEDDING RECEPTION at this place. I want to cry just thinking about it, but know that a real home is wherever YOU are! (I learned that as a military brat.) -Rach