Shane: "Mom, can I marry Alex?" Me: "No, you aren't supposed to marry the people in your family" Shane: "Well how come you did it?" Me: "What did I do Shane?" Shane: "You married dad!" Me: Dad isn't my brother, Shane." Shane: Well I don't know who to marry then... can I marry you?"
The sweetest boy I've ever met, my Shane. I will be so sad when he hits puberty and his voice changes.
That is just about the cutest thing I've ever heard!
I agree. And ye ole Oedipal complex may last until he is 12...wanting to marry his mother.
Hilarious! Liam is in love with his Mom, for sure. I can't even lie down in the same bed with the two of them without him going nutzo! Freud might have known a thing or two...
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