I know it hasn't been long since I took the time to reflect on the things my kids have been saying/doing but I just have some things on my mind that I would like to share. Shane goes first because he is very interesting these days. He asks the craziest questions and says the darndest things! Lets start with the questions... "Mom, who would win, a fly or a bee?", "Mom, who would win, a cougar or a leopard?" Mom, who would win, a rolly polly or a caterpillar?" "Mom, who would win, a giraffe or a cheetah?" So these questions go on and on until I tell him I can't take it anymore. Oh, and I have to ask him, "in a race or fighting, Shane?" Then he ponders for a few moments as he pictures the two creatures in his head fighting or racing.
"Daddy, can we hike up that mountain?" And he is completely serious, he would do it if we let him. We live in the mountains, and everywhere he looks there is a mountain so you can imagine how many time he asks us this question on any given day. So a few weeks ago Kevin took him on a two hour hike over one of our little mountains. Absolutely no complaints from my little mountain boy.
Shane LOVES his Daddy. Ok, I admit it, I'm going to say it out loud. I think he loves him more than me. He always wants to be with his Dad. He massages his Dad's back without Kevin even asking him. He watches the news with his Dad, he works in the garage with his Dad.
Shane's a thinker. He was in Sunday School a few months back and the lesson was on wicked King Noah and the prophet Abinidi. After his teacher discussed the story Shane thoughtfully asked, "was King Noah a Ute fan?" You may draw your own conclusions. Shane doesn't know how to read yet, but he sure loves reading the scriptures! "What chapter mom?" I point to the verse and he says, "And it came to pass, thus says the Lord..."
Ha! I LOVED this. It made me grin from ear to ear.
My little Shaner...great write-up Kimberly! GO SHANER!!!
Where's Kevin's comment? You need to make a book out of this blog!
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